The program International Business Management (MBA) offer you the highly qualified and accredited MBA distance learning program of International Business Management, which can provide you with Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in just four semesters. The MBA program is offered by the Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society in cooperation with the zfh – Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund. The program is supervised by the Graduate School Rhein-Neckar.

We follow the approach of blended learning, a varied mix of self-study, virtual learning components and webinars.

The graduates of the MBA distance learning course in International Business Management will have many long-range professional and career opportunities in the business areas of industry, commerce and services.

In duration of 4 semesters Part-time as an online distance learning program (almost all students work full time and do the MBA “on top”) and Online webinar: no on-campus courses.

The admisson requirements are: A completed university degree with an average grade of at least 2.5 or better (a motivational interview will be held, if the average grade is lower) + at least 1 year of professional experience.
Without first degree: Higher education entrance qualification and at least three years of professional work experience with leadership responsibility and content proximity to the chosen degree program as well as an aptitude test (written test and oral colloquium).
All applicants must hand in proof of English language proficiency on at least level B2 or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The corresponding document must be no older than 5 years.


  • Marketing
  • Scientific Work
  • Logistics
  • Social Competence – Part Philosophy (Ethics)
  • Corporate Management
  • International Competence
  • Social Competence – Part Rhetoric
  • Human Resource Management
  • Social Competence – Part Creativity
  • Elective Module (2 of 4 modules selectable): Law, Sociology, Finance, Macroeconomics
  • Masterthesis
Art des Studiums Teilzeit (TZ)
Fernstudium (FS)
Berufsbegleitend (BBG)
Standorte der Graduate School Rhein Neckar

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